volcano [crazy]

Ash Subscriber

Total Points: 63

Rating: 882

Max. Rating: 882

Organization: Volcano Judge

This is an official Volcano Judge staff member.

Hi there! I created Volcano Judge, and I'm currently the lead admin on the team too. I enjoy hosting contests here in my spare time. Feel free to contact me about VJ-related things on Discord. My username is 4cubed. If you forgot your password, email us at volcanojudge@gmail.com lol

Some things about me:

I'm going to take a moment to advertise :)

One question I get a lot is how my bio has so many cool features. Well, I'm a Volcano Judge Ash subscriber - so I get perks. You can join Ash too- it's a premium version of Volcano Judge with tons of cool perks including viewing private problems and accessing more features. Learn more here.